Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Spark of Inspiration!

Last September, we had the opportunity to visit Spain.  In one word, " Magnifico!!"  It was what I expected and more.  Travelling to nearby villages, walking through medieval towns and simply being immersed in the culture, the food, the people.  Our stay was too too short, but with it, I carry with me over 1600 pictures of great memories, a reconnection with my grade school friends, laughter and fun shared with my hubby! 

October 23rd, I was awarded Best in Mixed Media for my painting, " La Reina y Princesa" by the Visual Arts Centre, in Bowmanville.  Thrilled and tickled pink.... 
La Reina y Princesa

Now it is November and even with the time change, I still can't complain about the weather. It has been mild. A beautiful summer and a colourful fall.    And oh boy am I inspired!

Now let's get ready to face that canvas and find my voice!