Friday, May 27, 2011

I'm Published!

Am thrilled to be among 287 international emerging and established artists featured in the second volume of "The International Contemporary Artists". Published by ICA publishing a collaboration with New York and Athens editors and art curators. To order a copy, go to our website at, then click on Our Store, then go to the links!




Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Riverdale Art Walk... Aaarrryyyaaa comin?

After three years, I have sailed back to Toronto to join a juried group show; The Riverdale Art Walk! This 2-day show, (June 4-5) features 120 national and emerging artists right downtown on Queen Street East! Time of show is from 11a.m.- 6p.m.

I will be in booth #88. This is a link to see the map of the park.

So mark your calendars and look forward to sunny weather!! (if not, I will shiver me timbers!)

See you there!


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Painting this June!

It is still the middle of May, let's tune in to upcoming June warmer summer weather! With the change from mild rainy days to warmer weather, comes more art news from my studio!

I am thoroughly enjoying the Tuesday painting nights at the Sweet Art Studios and will continue until end of June. "Sweet Art Studio Night" is open to all acrylic painters, who want to work on their specific projects and want to have a forum to mingle with other painters. It is such a great opportunity to work, learn, observe and get inspired by others. I will be painting together with you, so if you hit a 'wall' or need some painting advise, help is on its way!! An informal, fun, creative atmosphere, come and register for " Sweet Art Studio Nights" by emailing me directly, . June 7, 14,21 and 28th at 6:30-9:00p.m. Cost is $20.00/session.

If you are opting to push yourself out of the ordinary, check out Visual Arts Clarington on June 11-12 as I faciliate "ABSTRACTION WITHOUT FEAR". It is a workshop which will open creative boundaries and introduce you to acrylic mediums and explore non representational paintings inspired by your imagination. Likewise, if you are at the east side of Oshawa, I will be at The Painted Tree in Cobourg, on June 18th for a MIXED MEDIA one-day class! Visit, both and to register.

"Art enables us to find ourselves, and lose ourselves at the same time." Thomas Merton